Author Archive | Ann

Happy New Years!

Welcome to 2010.

Lets work towards a kick ass year this year!

Side note: I am thinking of cleaning up the personal-ish, complainy, stuff on this blog to make it a bit more legit. I wish there were more hours in a day..

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Being Effective Only Once A Day

I like to make lists. I make short term lists and long term list. I make lists for the day, the week, the month, and the year. I make lists for things I need to buy, people I need to talk to, and most importantly, I make lists for tasks I need to do.

“Gosh Ann, you are so organized and decisive!” you may gush. While I’d love to agree with you, that sentiment is far from the truth. The truth is that my lists depress the hell out of me and impede my effectiveness and productivity.

At the end of the day, my daily tasks list have way more things still on the list than things that are crossed out. This either means I am a lazy, ineffective shithead, or that I am unrealistic on what I can do during the span of a day.

While I’m fully aware that my tasks lists are pretty unrealistic, I do try cut them down. But I inevitably end up adding more things to the list, because I always feel like I can do more, especially when many things are crossed out. Yes, I am also fully aware that I might have some demented psychological problem.

Also, being alone and staring at a computer all day does not lend itself to optimism. So here I am kicking myself in the ass. The rationale then follows along the lines of “man, I suck at this” to “why do I even bother?” Once I get to that point, I abandon all hope of getting work done and just play video games all day.

Not so organized and decisive then.

But now, to feel better about myself, I’m simply going to lower my standards. And I’m going to stick to it dammit! I’ll just do one, single, most important and effective task each day and that’s it. If I do more that’s not on the list, then fine. But that one thing needs to be done and I am OK with it. I really can’t fight myself otherwise.

Things are much happier this way.

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Hello World,

Hi World,

It’s Ann here again. Remember me? Yeah. I used to talk to you quite a bit in my Xanga blog back in college that died off upon my graduation. Yes, I know I made three lame attempts since then to start talking to you again, but I never really did find the motivation after the initial few weeks to keep it going.

Yes, I am aware I suck, but I’m trying to change. I promise.

What? You heard that line before? Well, I’m sorry, but it’s true this time. Seriously.

I am quitting my ‘secure’ day job and I am going to take that dive and start my own business. Yes, I know there is a recession going on, but still, there are many successful businesses that started during a recession. I am not taking this decision lightly. I am in fact starting two businesses which I have been sort of side launching while working these day jobs for nearly two years now. The fear of failure has always been whats keeping me from really dropping the ball. But now, I think its about time I stop pussyfooting around and just go for it.

This is a turning point in my life and I think so long that I have you, everything will be okay.

Will you take this journey with me? Please let me know.

Love Always and Forever,

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