Tag Archives | Letter to the World

This is a Real Blog, by a Real Person

Dear Blog,

I’ve cleaned you up and privatized the more controversial or personal parts of you. These parts might still be on some cache somewhere, but I really don’t care that much, since 98% of the population probably wouldn’t know how to find it.

Also, I know you have been stuck on the default Thesis theme for, like, ever! and I will be sprucing you up and personalizing you a bit. Hell, I might even give you a background color!

I’ve also created funkier clone of you on Tumblr and I’m now trying to figure out how to auto post your content to your clone.

All of this is going on because I now feel OK about telling friends and family that I have a personal-ish blog since they are finally entering the internet age and got their own blogs. Hooray! You now have friends!



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Happy New Years!

Welcome to 2010.

Lets work towards a kick ass year this year!

Side note: I am thinking of cleaning up the personal-ish, complainy, stuff on this blog to make it a bit more legit. I wish there were more hours in a day..

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Hello World,

Hi World,

It’s Ann here again. Remember me? Yeah. I used to talk to you quite a bit in my Xanga blog back in college that died off upon my graduation. Yes, I know I made three lame attempts since then to start talking to you again, but I never really did find the motivation after the initial few weeks to keep it going.

Yes, I am aware I suck, but I’m trying to change. I promise.

What? You heard that line before? Well, I’m sorry, but it’s true this time. Seriously.

I am quitting my ‘secure’ day job and I am going to take that dive and start my own business. Yes, I know there is a recession going on, but still, there are many successful businesses that started during a recession. I am not taking this decision lightly. I am in fact starting two businesses which I have been sort of side launching while working these day jobs for nearly two years now. The fear of failure has always been whats keeping me from really dropping the ball. But now, I think its about time I stop pussyfooting around and just go for it.

This is a turning point in my life and I think so long that I have you, everything will be okay.

Will you take this journey with me? Please let me know.

Love Always and Forever,

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