Author Archive | Ann Nguyen

I Finally Got a Smart Phone

The New Droid XOne of the big things that really bothered me as an “internet marketer” was the fact that I didn’t have a smart phone. But there was a reason on why I didn’t get one until now.

At the time, the only real (in my terms, so BBs didn’t count) smart phone was the iPhone with AT&T as the sole carrier. It didn’t help that I abhorred AT&T (bad experiences), where I left them with no intention of going back to them, as shiny as the iPhone may have been tempting me to do so. I like my PHONES to actually be able to take and make calls properly, and my customer service to not treat me like a douche bag, after all.

So after waiting for other phone companies to get in the act and for the smartphone software development to mature some more, I feel that now is the perfect time to get one and I’m pretty excited for it.

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This is a Real Blog, by a Real Person

Dear Blog,

I’ve cleaned you up and privatized the more controversial or personal parts of you. These parts might still be on some cache somewhere, but I really don’t care that much, since 98% of the population probably wouldn’t know how to find it.

Also, I know you have been stuck on the default Thesis theme for, like, ever! and I will be sprucing you up and personalizing you a bit. Hell, I might even give you a background color!

I’ve also created funkier clone of you on Tumblr and I’m now trying to figure out how to auto post your content to your clone.

All of this is going on because I now feel OK about telling friends and family that I have a personal-ish blog since they are finally entering the internet age and got their own blogs. Hooray! You now have friends!



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