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Any Square Piece of Paper…

I know it’s been a while since the last post. I’ve just been too lazy to take pictures and post it up.

I am still folding paper and cutting them to make my own square paper to fold. When you’re in this situation, you’ll be more likely to notice square pieces of paper appearing naturally “in the wild” and you’ll have this weird desire to fold it into something. Here’s what happened after I ate a box of chocolates and found myself a nice square to fold:


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Kusudama Flower Ball

The flowers from this Kusudama ball are all over Etsy. It is kind of annoying and it leads me to believe that it is the only thing people on Etsy know how to fold. Sure, there are a few that fold different flowers, but these Kusudama flowers comprise of 80% of the origami listings there. I personally don’t think the flower by itself is all that attractive, though having it in ball form is very cool. (Then again, I think all Kusudama balls are pretty awesome in general)

Small Kusudama Flower Ball in Progress

Small Kusudama Flower Ball in Progress

It’s not difficult to make. It’s just kind of tedious to put together. The ball has 12 kasudama flowers, where each includes 5 pieces of paper per flower. In total, it required 60 pieces of paper to make this flower ball. I broke the folding and assembly process into two days.


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Fabulous Origami Boxes – Bowls

I’m working through Fabulous Origami Boxes by order, so first up are the bowls. They are pretty easy to fold, but I had a bit of trouble trying to figure out the diagrams.

I folded two versions of each. One being the trial version just to get the hang of things and the second version was the final version with the least amount of creases possible for presentation.

Origami bowls made from Fabulous Origami Boxes by Tomoko Fuse

Yes, there are lucky stars in the bowls. I figured I ought to fill it with something, right?

Origami bowls made from Fabulous Origami Boxes by Tomoko Fuse

The bowls are created using two pieces of paper. One was used for the shell and the other piece was a liner of sorts. There are a few bowls or vessel pieces that includes minor variations of the first one.

The bowls were kind of *blah* when they were combined as is, but using double sided tape to align and affix the paper together made it look better. I’m assuming if my paper were actually square, that I wouldn’t have this problem.

Origami bowls made from Fabulous Origami Boxes by Tomoko Fuse

In some cases, I snazzed up some of the parts to make it look a little nicer. Looks like a tulip, no?

Origami bowls made from Fabulous Origami Boxes by Tomoko Fuse

All in all, the bowls are pretty easy to fold and are pretty useful in holding, um, more origami in.

Actual boxes to come next.


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Please Help Japan

I’ve been away from home for the past few days and have finally been able to settle down. While I was on the road, earthquakes and tsunami hit Japan. Even though I am not Japanese, Japan and its people and culture has helped shaped me into the person that I am today. So in hearing the news and then seeing the images and videos breaks my heart.

I was originally planning on selling some of the origami that I’ve been working on to make a bit of money on the side, but now, I will be donating all proceeds to the relief effort via Direct Relief International, which has a very good rating for spending most of their money on relief (as opposed to administration and promotion).

In the meantime, I’ve done the little bit that I can to help by donating to the American Red Cross.

Help Japan

Please help Japan.

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